Simple and it takes a week
1 gallon or 4 liters of apple cider fresh
You want the yeast to ferment so if you can find organic even better
Simply leave the cider out at room temperature covered with cheesecloth or I use a piece of paper towel and elastic band this is simply to keep he flies and bits out
The trick is to put it in a wide container so the surface area is maximised - like a large bowl - this speeds the whole process up.
After a few days taste it . In warmer temperatures this process will happen more quickly so keep tasing . You are looking for a bubbly, mild alcoholic sweet taste- after a few more days it will loose its sweetness , then turns to hard and dry and then later begins to have a sour edge… continue to leave it on the side for a week or more ( again it depends on the temperature ) and it will eventually turn to apple cider vinegar
Folk traditions call for a spoonful of apple cider vinegar a day ( personally I take it with every meal ) …named ´the fountain of youth ´apparently effective in the treatment of arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, killing infections, soothes burns, controls weight and assists in memory
Hipppocrates the Greek physician swore by vinegar as a remedy for everything !
