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What are you doing the weekend of the 17-19th of May ? If you like #roadbiking and would love to see #mallorca - and enjoy camaraderie, making new friends and want to help out local charities then there is still time to get involved.

If you miss this  upcoming event - there are MORE events so check the website

It Is an amazing experience , combining exercise , travel and lots of fun !!!! Everything is organised for you and it is a first class,  well thought out and planned  event. How do you spot a happy cyclist ? Count the number of flies in his teeth . ….these riders are all exceptionally happy !

All the money raised goes directly to local charities , helping out families in need, supporting parents with handicapped children , donating to animal charities who rescue countless domesticated abandoned pets… and so much more.

If you would like to donate - no matter how small - I will be riding and raising as much as I can - imagine if everyone donated 10€ ? This is less than a meal out and gives you back so much more - you can sit back with the knowledge that you have helped out too.

By giving we help to create the law of abundance in the universe . Giving creates receiving - the more you give the more you receive because you keep abundance circulating in your life . Your intention behind the giving is the most important thing - to create happiness - thats why giving always makes us feel so good !

(  Thank you so much . Katie x )

This picture was taken on the first 6 points Mallorca . The man in the middle : Bryan Visser in his 70´s started the whole thing off  : his concept was cycling 6 compass points of Mallorca in order to generate as much money as possible for local charities.

This could be like many of the classic Hollywood stories : one mans dream that he turned into a reality despite countless hurdles and people that told him it would never work.

He has now created an amazing team of people who unite under the umbrella of 6 points Mallorca - a group of people who give so much , help more than I have ever known and really represent kindness and fun. I am delighted to know Bryan and be a part of the 6 points family . Thank you so much to Bryan and his family and everyone who is involved in making this happen.


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